Saturday, September 6, 2008

Something Better

"God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect."
- Hebrews 11:40

Hebrews 11 is a book that captures the stories of many people who never got to witness the fulfillment of God's promise of the coming Savior, Jesus Christ. They lived their entire lives waiting. And though they faced persecution, they held fast to God's promise. They believed God and served him faithfully, even in the face of pain.

We may look at that reality and ask questions like, "Why would God allow those people to suffer? Why did he make them wait? Why not just answer their prayers and fulfill his promises immediately?"

The answer goes back to one simple, yet profound fact: God sees the whole picture.
None of us has the perspective on life that God has. He knew that while, yes, those people had to suffer for a season, there was a greater purpose behind it than they may have seen—his purpose.

Maybe you are facing a difficult time in your life. Or maybe you're just waiting to hear what God has in store for you. You read God's promises to you, but you wonder when those will be fulfilled. Don't grow impatient with God. Know that he has "something better for us." And remember, just because we may not see it doesn't mean that something better isn't there. It is. And God sees it before you do.

Dear God, I know that you have a perspective on life that I will never have. Yet, I still grow impatient at times when things don't work out the way I want them to, when you don't respond to me the way I want you to. Help me realize that no matter what I face, you have something better planned; I just need to be patient and wait on you. In Jesus Christ name I pray, Amen.

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